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Presentations at ISSBD

August 11, 2023

Pam, Barnabas, and Henriette presented our work at the 15th Regional Workshop of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD) in Uganda.

Workshops and presentations at Kisii University

June, 2023

Laura joined the Kenyan team for presentations and meetings at our partner university. Warmly hosted by Pam and her colleagues, Laura visited the main campus in Kisii, and attended a joint workshop with Carnegie Fellow Caroline Chemosit in Kericho.

Zambian team visits Aston

April, 2023

Hosted by our UK team, Haatembo and Barnabas spent a week at Aston catching up, streamlining data processing, and presenting the Zambian part of our work at the Institute of Health and Neurodevelopment (IHN).

Team meetings in Kenya and Zambia

March, 2023

Rehema and Jeofrey visited our Kenyan site in March, met with our local teams, planned potential papers, and kicked off our Impact Funding Project. Later on, Joefrey also paid a visit to our Zambian site and spent a fruitful week with the local team there.

New staff members

January, 2023

In early 2023, Jeofrey Mtemeri and Rehema Abiyo joined our team to boost data analysis and dissemination, and support the design of educational resources for our two sites.
Welcome on board!

Project presentation

December, 2022

Warmly hosted by the entire UK team, Pam & Henriette presented our project at Aston's Institute of Health and Neurodevelopment (IHN) on 15th December, 2023.

New publication

July 2022

Our methods have been published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR):

Zeidler, H., Farrow, C., Jarman, M., Koteng, G., Simatende, B., Matthews, D.,

Mooya, H., Shapiro, L., & Wadende, P. (2022).

The Role of Mealtimes in Fostering Language Development and Aligning Home and School Learning:

Protocol for a Multi-Method Study of Preschool Children in Rural Kenya and Zambia.

JMIR research protocols, 11(7), e36925.


Team meeting

July 2022

Following a lift of COVID restrictions, our entire team was finally able to meet in person. Hosted by our Zambian colleagues, we spent a week catching up, visiting field sites, streamlining data processing, and planning our next steps.

Kenyan advisory board meeting

April 2022

Coinciding with the visit of our Zambian colleagues, the Kenyan team held their first non-virtual advisory board meeting in Nanyuki.
Teachers, policy makers, researchers, university representatives and local team members met to discuss our progress to date and devise strategies for community engagement and future interventions.

Zambian team visits Kenya

April 2022

Six months after our first in-person meeting, the Zambian team paid a return visit to the Kenyan site.
We discussed our methods, visited a participating school, shared experiences - and greatly enjoyed having some time together.

New Publication

October 2021

Our first publication is out!

Led by our nutrition experts Megan Jarman and Claire Farrow, we analysed our first set of dietary recall data collected at the onset of the COVID pandemic in Kenya:


Jarman, M., Zeidler, H., Shapiro, L., Clarke, R., Mooya, H., Simatende, B.,  Matthews, D., Koteng, G., Wadende, P., & Farrow, C. (2021).

Qualitative Accounts of School-Aged Children’s Diets during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Rural Central Kenya. Nutrients, 13(10), 3543.


Kenyan team visits Zambia

October 2021

Following nearly two years of zoom meetings, the Kenyan and Zambia teams were finally able to meet on the ground. During an intense and hugely rewarding week in Livingstone, we shared experiences and brought each other up to date on data collection, transcriptions, and coding.

Conference presentation

October 2021

We kicked off our outreach program by presenting our work at a meeting of the Education and Social Sciences Research Association of Kenya, whose mandate to provide equitable access to education, foster exchange and support the creation of educational networks in Kenya is closely aligned with our project goals:


Seminar presentation

July 2021

Eating behaviour and nutrition research - a focus on Africa
We presented our first nutrition-related results at a seminar on appetite, food intake and nutrition research based in Africa hosted by the British Feeding and Drinking Group

Conference presentation

June 2021

We presented our methods at the 28th Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading:

News: News

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